18 [Super Awesome] Tips & Tricks For Puppy Dental Care - WowPooch (2024)

Table of Contents
#1 What To Expect During The First 12 Months Puppy Tooth Countdown Developing Puppy Teeth Puppy Tooth Loss #2 Caring For A Teething Puppy #3 Best Puppy Dental Care Tips #4 Reasons To Start Young Puppy Dental Care #5 Avoiding Puppy Dental Disease The Development Of Plaque Tartar/Calculus Growth And Development Periodontal Disease In Dog’s And Puppies #6 Common Signs Of Puppy Dental Disease #7 Common Puppy Dental Problems Puppy Retained Deciduous Teeth Broken Puppy Teeth Jaw Problems In Dogs And Puppies #8 Starting Puppy’s Oral Health Care Starting Your Puppy With Early Dental Care #9 Dental Cleaning Supplies To Get For Your Puppy Choosing The Right Puppy Toothbrush And Toothpaste Helpful Toothbrush Tips For You And Your Puppy Using A Finger Toothbrush Additional Dental Supplies For Keeping Your Pup’s Teeth Squeaky Clean #10 Brushing Your Puppy’s Tiny Teeth #11 Helpful Tips To Make Puppy Teeth Cleaning Easier #12 Simple Steps For Easy Puppy Dental Care Schedule Routine Dental Checkups When To Schedule Veterinarian Appointments The Amount Of Times Puppies Should See A Veterinarian #13 Stopping Your Puppy From Chewing On Furniture And Such #14 Keeping Up With Your Puppy’s Dental Care Ways To Prevent Your Puppy From Getting Tooth Decay #15 Treating Your Pup During While Their Baby Teeth Fall Out #16 Keeping Your Puppy’s Mouth InTip-Top Shape With Pet Insurance #17 Maintaining Your Puppy’s Oral Hygiene Proper Food And Nutrition Removing Plaque From Your Puppy’s Teeth Cleaning Your Pup’s Teeth Without A Brush #18 Handling Your Puppy’s Chewing Habit Chew Toys & Bones To Keep Your Pup’s Mouth Clean Over To You

Oral care is usually the least important factor taken to heart when it comes to a dog’s health and well-being.

That is unless they develop serious issues with their teeth and/or gums.When left untreated, built-up bacteria can cause major problems to your furry friend.

Once introduced in the bloodstream can affect their kidneys, heart, and/or liver.

According to veterinarians, most canines over the age of 4 have periodontal issues.A dental condition that tends to be very painful, leading to infection and tooth loss.

18 [Super Awesome] Tips & Tricks For Puppy Dental Care - WowPooch (1)

#1 What To Expect During The First 12 Months

At twelve weeks old a puppy is ready to potty train and has a more balanced digestive system.

They also started sleeping throughout the night without waking up to go to the bathroom.

Potty training will get your pooch on a more regular bathroom schedule.

Making it great for those who work and lead busy lives!

Depending on the breed of puppy, most are completely housebroken by five years old.

Puppy Tooth Countdown

Puppies are toothless at birth, but soon begin developing their deciduous teeth.

Between the ages of 2 and 10 weeks of age, puppies start developing their first set of 28 teeth.

Starting with incisors then their canines, and premolars coming in last.

Developing Puppy Teeth

A puppy’s first set of baby teeth develops by the time they turn 3 weeks old.

Getting their full set of teeth by the time they turn 2 months of age.

When a puppy is no longer dependent on its mother’s milk they should have enough teeth to eat solid puppy food.

By the time they turn 6 months old the puppy should have a complete set of permanent teeth.

An adult dog generally has a total of 42 teeth each having different functions.

Puppy Tooth Loss

Once reaching the ages of 3 and 6 months old puppies begin to shed their baby teeth and develop a set of adult chompers.

Depending on the specific breed, Do puppys lose their teeth faster than others?

If your pooch is of the limited few, they can hold onto those baby teeth until eight months old.

Learn How To: Take Care Of Your New Puppies?

#2 Caring For A Teething Puppy

While your puppy is teething they seek to relieve themselves of the pain and discomfort. Thus, chewing on anything within sight may seem appealing.

A young pup is clueless about the difference between right and wrong. But, with some patience and understanding, this will be a distant memory!

#3 Best Puppy Dental Care Tips

Please, do not wait to take your puppy to the doggy dentist! They need regular dental check-ups the same as their human counterparts.

But, for now, brushing their teeth is a good place to start. Before introducing the playful pup to a toothbrush, rub some toothpaste on their gums.

After doing this several times, you can now introduce Fido to a brush. A puppy’s natural reaction makes them want to chew on the toothbrush.

Do not worry though, for he/she will grow accustomed to it in no time.

#4 Reasons To Start Young Puppy Dental Care

The most important thing you can do for your dog provides them with excellent dental care. This is especially so for growing puppies who are beginning to develop their teeth.

It will help him/her to avoid plaque build-up and periodontal disease. Saving you from having to pay costly vet bills in the long run.

#5 Avoiding Puppy Dental Disease

Plaque begins to form in a puppy’s mouth from lingering food attaching itself to the tooth enamel.

When left untreated can lead to serious issues like gingivitis and receding gums. The bacteria can get into your puppy’s bloodstream and affect other parts of their body.

Related Reading: 13 Reasons Why Dogs Rip Up And Destroy Their Beds? And How To Stop Them?

The Development Of Plaque

The common symptoms of dental plaque accumulation in puppies are different from humans.

Some of which include:

  • Smelly Breath
  • Bloody Or Swollen Gums
  • Decrease In Appetite
  • Missing Or Loose Teeth
  • Difficulty Eating Food
  • Thick Nasal Discharge With Pus

The plaque has different stages of development, the first being Gingivitis.

The second is in the form of early periodontal disease which can lead to a more severe case when left untreated.

Tartar/Calculus Growth And Development

Otherwise known as calculus, dental tartar begins to form from built-up plaque. Tartar is harder to remove than plaque and usually requires immediate vet attention.

Periodontal Disease In Dog’s And Puppies

The periodontal disease afflicts humans and dogs alike! This serious mouth infection weakens teeth and their supporting elements.

Many canines show signs of early-stage gum disease before they turn 3 years old.

Occurring when an overabundance of bacteria develops along the young pup’s gums.

If left unattended, periodontal disease leads to bone loss; causing serious health complications.

#6 Common Signs Of Puppy Dental Disease

Dental disease is a common affliction among pet dogs! Depending on its severity; might need veterinarian supervision to control.

Bad breath is a common sign that your pup is suffering from dental disease. Not the usual doggy smell, but a foul almost overpowering odor.

Leftover plaque hardens in a couple of days, leading to tartar and/or calculus. When left untreated, leads to destructive oral issues along with an overwhelming odor.

#7 Common Puppy Dental Problems

Though not considered to be a major issue; puppies lose their teeth. Making room for adult permanent tooth growth and development.

Once introduced to an adult dog food they are more prone to breakages. Another oral problem that affects pups and dogs alike is tooth abscesses.

This painful affliction occurs when a tooth’s roots become exposed to built-up bacteria.

It often happens in cracked and/or broken teeth from damaged gums where the infection has set in.

Puppy Retained Deciduous Teeth

Sometimes puppies fail to lose their baby teeth. Thus, affecting the rest of the dog’s mouth. It is a common occurrence in small breeds but can be problematic in larger canines as well.

Retained deciduous teeth often are out of position; causing problems with their others. This occurs within the first few weeks of permanent tooth growth and is due to overcrowded teeth.

Broken Puppy Teeth

Puppies often get broken teeth, so don’t fret about it! This can occur when playing a little too rough with the neighborhood dogs, or chewing on hard objects.

Regardless of how it happened; they should go to the veterinarian ASAP!

The best way to avoid cracked and/or broken chompers; is by doing weekly inspections of your pup’s teeth.

Check their entire mouth, especially the teeth and gum area. For those who have a squirmy dog, it might be an easier task during teeth cleaning!

Jaw Problems In Dogs And Puppies

A disease that affects all dog breeds; Rubber Jaw Syndromes‘ main cause is calcium loss.

Thus, making a puppy vulnerable to broken limbs because of weak and brittle bones.

It is an illness that deforms the jawbones; leading to kidney issues as well as early signs of depression.

Another common jaw ailment among canines is Masticatory Muscle Myositis! This disorder causes dogs to have difficulty moving their jawbones.

Making it hard for them to eat and chew up food. One of the prominent symptoms includes swollen and painful jaws.

Undershot And Overshot Jaw Disorder

Undershot is when a dog or puppy’s lower jaw grows longer than that of the upper jaw.

Whereas, overshot is the total opposite; both of which can affect a dog eating.

The most significant sign is difficulty opening and closing the mouth.

Often called Salmon because of the way it makes the recipient look like an open-mouth fish.

Aside from looking odd, the undershot can be quite uncomfortable on the poor pups’ chompers.

Puppy Overbite Problems

As puppies’ adult teeth come in they can develop an overbite; causing the upper set to grow in front of the lower set.

This usually occurs when a puppy’s jaw is somewhat abnormal.

Minor cases of overbites are harmless to puppies but, in more severe cases can make it difficult to eat.

This oral problem can lead to mouth infections and palate erosion. If the overbite is too extreme, a veterinarian might recommend an extraction.

But, in some cases, they correct themselves as long as the canine is under 10 months of age!

#8 Starting Puppy’s Oral Health Care

You are better off maintaining your pup’s dental maintenance at an early age. Such as, brushing their teeth by the time they turn 6 months old.

Thus, allowing your cuddly canine to adjust; finding it to be a more pleasant experience.

A teething puppy should have a variety of chew toys, those which are abrasive help to keep their teeth clean.

It is also good to schedule dental examinations two times a year at your local vet clinic. This will prevent them from developing gum disease and/or bad breath.

Starting Your Puppy With Early Dental Care

Start your little furry friend with an early puppy dental care regimen! It will help to save you a ton of money and the puppy from unnecessary pain.

It’s never too soon to begin brushing your dog’s teeth, so do not wait until their adult chompers start coming in.

This gets them accustomed to it and makes the experience more enjoyable for you both.

#9 Dental Cleaning Supplies To Get For Your Puppy

For young pups, it’s best to ask your veterinarian first about the methods of dental care for puppies. This gives you insight into which techniques would be ideal for your breed of dog.

Now, you are ready to go shopping for dental supplies! Unlike their human companions, dogs need a special kind of toothpaste.

Most pet shops and vet offices have a wide variety of flavors to choose from. But, rich meaty pastes are a sure-fire winner among every canine.

Next on the shopping list is a high-quality puppy-approved toothbrush! These are also available at your local veterinarian office or local pet store as well.

Make sure to start out with a nice soft bristle brush that is the perfect size for your pup’s mouth.

Choosing The Right Puppy Toothbrush And Toothpaste

Choosing an ideal puppy toothbrush can be tricky. With all the different styles available, how do you know which one to get?

If this is the first time you’re introducing your pup to tooth brushing, then a finger brush would be ideal. But, make sure it’s sized to fit your particular finger size.

Buy several puppy toothbrushes; small ones work the best for the first time brushing. You have several options when it comes to puppy toothpaste.

You can buy an all-in-one kit that’s equipped with everything your puppy needs. But, if you’d prefer, there are many varieties of puppy toothpaste available at the pet store and vet.

You know your furry friend’s own personal taste; so get him/her a flavor they’re going to like! For those with a love of fresh meat, there are all kinds of sweet meaty flavored toothpaste to choose from.

Helpful Toothbrush Tips For You And Your Puppy

Allow your puppy to get accustomed to having you handle their mouth. This tends to be easier if you place some beef or chicken broth on your finger; rubbing it around the teeth and gums.

Make sure to be patient with him/her, even if they chew on the brush. Then, with some much-needed patience and time; your pouch will have a healthy, plaque-free mouth.

Daily Puppy Tooth Brushing Suggestions

According to most veterinarians, puppy owners should brush their pooches’ teeth every day. This not only helps to freshen up the pup’s breath but promotes healthy oral hygiene as well!

Preventing them from developing a serious dental infection. Thus, saving his/her life in the long run.

Using A Finger Toothbrush

Puppies are full of energy, making tooth cleaning quite a chore! Yet, with the right puppy toothbrush, it can make this task much easier.

Full-length brushes are ideal for adult dogs, but for a fidgety pup, a finger toothbrush works best.

Simple and easy to use, they fit right over your fingertip and are gentle on a puppy’s mouth. Giving you the ability to scrub your pooch’s teeth with ease.

Unlike other brushes, those which fit over the finger get a pup used to teeth cleaning!

Additional Dental Supplies For Keeping Your Pup’s Teeth Squeaky Clean

Being a loyal pet owner, it’s only natural to want only the best for your puppy! And by providing him/her with a wide variety of chew toys, they’ll have nice strong chompers.

But, unless you get the proper dental supplies, your dog can develop early gum disease. proper dental supplies, a dog can develop early gum disease.

Chew toys constructed of rubber, nylon, and/or rawhide will help their teeth grow stronger.

#10 Brushing Your Puppy’s Tiny Teeth

Once you’ve got all the necessary dental supplies; you can now introduce them to a toothbrush! Rub a small amount on the gums, letting him/her get adjusted to its taste.

Reward your canine companion for doing a good job; treating them to one of their favorite snacks.

This form of encouragement will have the playful pup wagging its tail at cleaning time.

As the days go by, try increasing the number of times you brush their teeth! A few minutes per dental session is ideal!

#11 Helpful Tips To Make Puppy Teeth Cleaning Easier

Besides routine brushing, there are other ways to ensure your puppy has good dental care. For instance, rubbing your puppy’s teeth daily for one minute prevents tartar build-up.

Larger dogs take somewhat longer to wipe, whereas smaller breeds need less time. Before starting, make sure you have paper towels and dental wipes on hand!

Wrapping the paper towel around your index finger, wipe your pup’s teeth side to side.

This stops the spread of tartar throughout the mouth while removing it completely. Don’t stop until you’ve done each tooth.

#12 Simple Steps For Easy Puppy Dental Care

A key factor in maintaining your puppy’s teeth is their daily diet! Avoid feeding him/her human sweets, for they lead to tooth issues.

Instead, provide them with organic dog foods that are all-natural. Not only are you creating a well-rounded diet for your pup, but promoting dental health as well.

It is also important for your puppy to have yearly vet dental visits! Saving you a ton of money and your playful pooch unnecessary suffering.

Schedule Routine Dental Checkups

One way to ensure your puppy lives a long happy life is with preventative medicine!

It prevents any future medical issues, thus helping to save your loving pooches’ live. This includes routine vet dental check-ups!

For years veterinarian offices have been performing puppy dental exams. And thanks to the latest technology, are now able to do a more thorough examination.

Allowing the vet to determine what procedures will work the best for your pup.

When To Schedule Veterinarian Appointments

In order for your dog or puppy to remain strong and healthy, it’s important to get them regular vet checkups! young pups need vaccinations until 16 weeks of age.

Once reaching adulthood, dogs get regular shots to protect against various canine diseases.

The Amount Of Times Puppies Should See A Veterinarian

Whether you have a small puppy or adult dog, both need regular vet checkups. From birth to 12 months, puppies get several sets of vaccinations!

Thus, requiring you to set up appointments for one month. Unless they have health issues, dogs should visit the vet at least once yearly.

This will help keep him/her up-to-date on their shots and ensure your pooch’s well-being as well.

#13 Stopping Your Puppy From Chewing On Furniture And Such

Before bringing your new pup home, it’s best to puppy-proof your home first! This will prevent any unfortunate catastrophes from occurring.

Go through your house and look for items that might be tempting to a young pooch.

Such as, electric cords, sneakers, house plants, toys, and anything that’s a choke hazard. Puppies are eager to explore and tend to chew on things they shouldn’t.

Make sure to provide him/her with plenty of chew toys and bones. Encouraging them to bite on puppy-approved items and scolding for those which are a no-no!

#14 Keeping Up With Your Puppy’s Dental Care

Puppy and dog dental care start at the vet clinic!
They have all the proper tools and dental know-how for assisting your furry friend.

Canines should visit the veterinarian at least once every 6 months to a year. It ensures their tooth health and catches dental diseases before they get worse.

Ways To Prevent Your Puppy From Getting Tooth Decay

More than 80 percent of puppies and dogs develop dental disease every year!

Sometimes undetectable by their owners, thus making routine dental vet checkups a must. More than 80 percent of puppies and dogs develop tooth decay every year!

In most cases undetectable by their owners, thus making routine dental vet checkups a must.

One way to avoid puppy dental disease is by providing your pooch is with a well-rounded diet! Give them all-natural puppy foods free of preservatives and sugar.This along with regular daily tooth brushing will ensure a happy healthy pup!

#15 Treating Your Pup During While Their Baby Teeth Fall Out

Puppies generally have a full set of twenty-eight baby teeth by the age of 3 weeks old! Beginning with the incisors and canine chompers, then finishing off with premolars.

By the time he/she turns 8 weeks old, all 28 teeth should be in. Once your puppy starts losing baby teeth, they might fall out in food dishes, bedding, and/or chew toys.

You may also notice spots of blood on their fur and belongings as well. But, no worries though, for this is common among pups losing teeth.

In most cases, young canines swallow them while eating food and/or puppy treats. Allow nature to run its course; keeping an eye out for loose teeth.

#16 Keeping Your Puppy’s Mouth In
Tip-Top Shape With Pet Insurance

Dental problems can occur at any moment, but having pet insurance for your pup will save you a ton of money! Making it a worthwhile investment in the long run.

Doggy visits to the dentist can add up quickly! yet, with a reliable pet health insurance plan, the out-of-pocket cost is very low. Thus, ensuring your puppy’s dental health and well-being.

#17 Maintaining Your Puppy’s Oral Hygiene

The first step to good dental hygiene starts with brushing your puppy’s teeth once daily. Rawhide chew treats are another way of keeping your canine’s teeth healthy and strong.

Helping to reduce the build-up of plaque build-up and early gum disease. A key factor of dental hygiene is routine dental exams at the veterinarian’s office.

No matter how clean your pooches chompers may seem, a vet can do a thorough examination of their mouth. Thus, determining if he/she needs any tooth repairs or extractions.

Proper Food And Nutrition

Growing in leaps and bounds, a developing pup needs proper nutrition.

After bringing your new pal home, it’s best to feed them the same puppy food as where you purchased him/her.

Once adjusted to their new surroundings, you can now start introducing new foods. Begin by mixing the new blend with your pup’s original food.

For instance, using twenty-five percent of the previous blend and seventy-five percent new. Increasing the percentage with every passing day until reaching one-hundred percent.

Dry Puppy Food VS Soft, Which Is The Better Choice?

Feeding your puppy hard food is both money-saving and vet dentist-approved. Providing the pup with a well-balanced diet for their growing bodies.

This is also advised for those starting to wean from their mother. But, due to its hard texture; try adding a spoonful of puppy-safe milk into the mix.

Thus, softening up the food and making it easier for them to chew.

You should continue to feed your pup this mixture until they’re weaned from mommy dog’s milk.

Now, it’s time to introduce your puppy to both hard and soft foods

Depending on his/her personal preference you’re fine feeding them either food.

As long as you make sure it has all the essential vitamins and minerals for a puppies growing body!

Removing Plaque From Your Puppy’s Teeth

Plaque buildup can sneak up on your dog without a moment’s notice. That, when left untreated, could lead to worsening dental issues like a periodontal disease!

But, by following these few simple steps, prevent it from ever occurring.

One way of managing plaque is by giving your pup vet-approved plaque-attack dog products

Helping to stop tartar dead in its tracks; before turning into hardened plaque.

You can also pick up some rubber chew toys with rough surfaces; these work wonders on the teeth and is safe as well.

Cleaning Your Pup’s Teeth Without A Brush

Your pup’s teeth need daily cleaning for his/her own dental health. Brushing can be somewhat of a hassle, but there are other ways that are as effective, if not better.

One of which is puppy-safe cleaning gels that rub onto their teeth. Available in yummy flavors like meat and peanut butter.

Helping to protect the pup’s teeth from plaque buildup while keeping them bright. There are also puppy dental sprays at your veterinarian’s office as well.

Keep your furry friend’s breath fresh and halt plaque growth. This method is slow working, combined with their mouth saliva, ridding it of any bacteria.

Keeping Your Puppy’s Teeth Clean With Baking Soda

Puppy tooth health prevents the onslaught of early periodontal disease.

Using baking soda to brush your dog’s teeth freshens up their breath and fights off tartar. Thus, keeping the pup’s mouth healthy and bacteria-free!

Make sure to do the entire set of teeth for proper oral hygiene.

Leaving your canine’s teeth pearly white and eradicating nasty germs from the mouth.

Start out by introducing him/her to the baking soda; rubbing it on their teeth and gums.

Now, mix one teaspoon of water with one tablespoon of baking soda and proceed to brush your pooches teeth.

#18 Handling Your Puppy’s Chewing Habit

Much the same as a human baby, puppies want to chew on things when they’re teething.

Occurring around six months of age, gnawing on that which helps relieve their sore gums. It is only natural for your pup to chew on items that are a real no-no.

But, with patience and much-needed discipline, they’ll get over it quickly. In order for you to have less puppy damage around the house; put any items of value out of their reach.

Such as, in a towel closet or bedroom cabinet! It’s also good to have children pick up their toys and belongings before the playful pooch gets hold of them.

When caught red-handed, redirect him/her with a puppy-appropriate chew toy or treat. Your pup may want to make the home furnishings their personal chewing post.

If that’s the case, try putting (Bitter Apple) dog deterrent upon anything you want to protect. Avoid giving them articles of clothing or kids’ toys to play with.

This will only confuse the poor pup about what objects they need to stay away from!

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Chew Toys & Bones To Keep Your Pup’s Mouth Clean

Providing your pup with a wide selection of chew toys will help deter him/her from gnawing on furniture.

Young canines develop a personal preference for certain chew toys! So, pay attention to those which they like the most and get similar items.

For instance, if he/she enjoys plush toys that squeak, then make sure there are plenty on hand. Puppies who like to chew on hard surfaces like shoes and such would prefer rubber puppy bones.

One great item for a teething pup is knot rope bones! It helps to keep their teeth shiny white and soothes those sore chompers.

Rawhide bones also keep puppy’s teeth clean and improve their dental health as well. If he/she loves the taste of meat, then get them some flavorful meaty rawhide bones.

Over To You

Which of the above tips helped you the most? As a puppy owner myself, I seek to provide loyal dog owners with insightful information.

Something that will help make life easier for both the owner and their amazing pup. I want to post data that is 100 % accurate to those who are researching canine health.

What advice given in this article did you try already and which ones do you plan on trying next? Please feel free to reply in the comments section about this subject.

Your input is very much appreciated!

If you enjoyed this article on puppy dental care; please share it among your friends and loved ones! Do you have any tips or recommendations to add to my list above?

Further Readings:

Other Puppy Adoption Related Topics:
1.Top Best Dog Beds For A Bernese Mountain
2.What Are The Best Dog Beds For Corgis?
3.Why You May Need Bed For Dachshund Doggies?

18 [Super Awesome] Tips & Tricks For Puppy Dental Care - WowPooch (2024)
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Name: Rubie Ullrich

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Introduction: My name is Rubie Ullrich, I am a enthusiastic, perfect, tender, vivacious, talented, famous, delightful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.